SFA regents approve faculty, staff appointments

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — During its quarterly meeting, the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents recognized student, faculty and staff achievements, as well as approved faculty and staff appointments.

The board recognized the SFA student team that earned Best Delegation honors at the Midwest Model European Union competition. The team’s faculty sponsor is Dr. Steven Galatas, associate professor of government.

The board also recognized academic advisors; SFA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team; and the Division of Finance and Administration.

In addition, the regents approved faculty and staff promotions and appointments, as well as granted tenure to a faculty member effective fall 2022.

In the College of Sciences and Mathematics, regents promoted Keli Sheree Barrios, Kesha Becnel, Katy Trotty and Allison Younger to assistant professors in the DeWitt School of Nursing.

Regents also awarded tenure to Dr. Bidisha Sengupta, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Lacey Bradshaw was appointed as contracting specialist II in the Office of Procurement and Business Services, and Holly Randall was appointed as a counselor in Counseling Services. Jeremy Pickett was appointed as the emergency management coordinator in the University Police Department.

In the Department of Athletics, Richie Bruister was hired as head coach of softball, Dallas Cameron as men’s basketball assistant coach, Hadrian Choukran as co-head coach of track and field, and Marcus Trice and Mitchell White as football assistant coaches.

Ron Hanson was named as co-head coach of track and field and cross-country, Debbie Humphreys as head coach of volleyball, Amber Lemke as head coach of bowling, Tony Minatta as head coach of soccer, and Erin Scott as head coach of tennis. Jordan Rains moved from student compliance specialist in the Office of the Registrar to program director of compliance and academic eligibility for athletics.

In Information Technology Services, Ross Bowman was promoted from systems programmer I to systems programmer II, and Choya Coleman moved from program card coordinator in the Office of Procurement and Business Services to project and accessibility coordinator of banner project management in ITS.

Alisha Collins moved from lecturer of accounting to budget director in the Division of Academic Affairs, Christopher Cotton from East Texas Research Center archive associate to university archives and research coordinator in the Steen Library, and Jordan Cunningham from greenhouse technician to environmental education program director in the Department of Agriculture.

Additionally, Teneka Fowler moved from representative in Human Resources to coordinator in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Megan Kelley from academic advisor II in the James I. Perkins College of Education to senior admissions counselor in the Office of Admissions, Ja’von Long from assistant director in the Office of Multicultural Affairs to interim coordinator of student engagement for Fraternity and Sorority Life, and Shannon Morrison from student success coordinator in academic advising to career coordinator in the Center for Career and Professional Development.

Steffany Newsome moved from risk and compliance auditor in the Department of Audit Services to assistant director in the Office of Financial Reporting, Leslie Ornelas from assistant teacher to lead teacher in the Early Childhood Laboratory, LaShanda Parkhurst from counselor II to assistant director in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, and Kendall Rocha from risk and compliance auditor to risk and compliance auditor II in the Department of Audit Services.

Andrew Roybal-Cano was named manager of the Axe Handle one-stop shop, moving from his previous position as student compliance specialist in the Office of the Registrar.

Jacob Seamans was promoted from accountant III to director in the Office of Financial Reporting, Stephanie Strahl from academic advisor III in the Perkins College of Education’s academic services to academic advisor III in the Perkins College of Education Office of Student Services and Advising, and Dr. Gary Wurtz from director of the School of Music to dean of the Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts.

Lastly, regents approved the retirements of Dr. Thomas Branton, assistant professor of accounting; Dr. Lynn Greenleaf, associate professor of mathematics and statistics; and Dr. Josephine Taylor, professor of biology.