Thank you for your leadership in serving on the Women for Cruz Coalition. Your involvement will be pivotal to help Keep Texas, Texas and we appreciate you filling out the below digital endorsement form.
Ted Cruz has been surrounded and supported by strong women his entire life. Ted understands the pivotal role women and mothers play in our country. He is the proud husband to his successful wife, Heidi, and is a loving father to his wonderful daughters, Caroline and Catherine. Ted’s childhood was shaped by his small business owning mother, Eleanor, and he remembers the freedom-fighting stories his Tia Sonia told him and his cousin Bibi as kids. Ted is strongly pro-woman and pro-family. He introduced legislation protecting IVF federally, in support of parents who want to have kids.
There is no monetary commitment to joining the Coalition. Your involvement is however much time you are able to commit. Our one request is that you make your name available in your personal capacity so that we could potentially include it in the press release. We would love for you to push out the sign-up link to your network of women in Texas. Senator Cruz wants as many people engaged in the election as possible so that we can Keep Texas, Texas!