The City Council will meet tomorrow, April 4, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers, downtown on the square. The agenda is relatively short. On the consent agenda is a contract related to repairs for wastewater treatment equipment.
On the regular agenda, Anita Scott, the Director of the Nacogdoches County Exposition and Civic Center will provide an annual report. There are also two contracts to consider in the regular agenda, along with their budget amendments. The first is to replace the city’s water meters at a cost of approximately $5 million dollars from the city’s utility fund. The second is for utility location services. There are other utilities, including electric and Internet providers, who have right of ways to lay lines throughout the city. Providing them with the location of our lines is not only required by law, but also protects the city in the event that our utilities are damaged as they work. Many of you are experiencing difficulties as these providers work in your yards. They are required to leave your property in good condition. Please call the city and report any problems to the city’s engineering department, 936-559-2516. The last item on the agenda is a report related to fair housing as part of the city’s application for Community Development Block Grant funds.
In the executive session we will be discussing incentives for new and expanding businesses in the city.
The full agenda can be found at:
Thank you again to everyone who has contributed to my re-election campaign. As most of you know, campaigns are expensive. We are still short of the funds needed for the mailings, so I would appreciate contributions. If you would like to donate and have questions, feel free to respond by email or call me, 936-552-9395. Thanks also to all of you who hold me in your prayers. I am most grateful.
Please put Tuesday, April 11th on your calendar for our next ward meeting. I’ll keep you posted when the agenda is finalized.
I wish you all continued blessings in this holy week and a wonderful Easter.