Berrylicious Bake-Off: Family Crisis Center Hosts Cupcake Battle at Texas Blueberry Festival

NACOGDOCHES, TX (May 21, 2024) – NACOGDOCHES, TX – Get ready to whip up some magic and flaunt your berrylicious cupcake skills at the Blueberry Cupcake Battle! The Family Crisis Center of East Texas is thrilled to host this sweet showdown at the 34th Annual Texas Blueberry Festival on Saturday, June 8, in downtown Nacogdoches.

This year’s competition will be held at Coldwell Banker Blueberry Realty, located at 112 E Main St, Nacogdoches, TX 75961.

“The Blueberry Cupcake Battle not only celebrates community creativity but also serves as a vital awareness event and fundraiser for the agency,” said Whitney Burran, executive director of the Family Crisis Center of East Texas. “The proceeds from this event directly support the agency’s mission to provide essential services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.”

Participants of all ages and skill levels are invited to compete in the Blueberry Cupcake Battle, featuring amateur divisions for children ages 8 to 12 and 13 to 17, an amateur division for adults, and a professional division. Each entry must consist of six cupcakes that incorporate a Texas Blueberry Festival theme in some way.

Cupcakes will be judged on taste, theme, and presentation, with tiebreakers favoring presentation. Entries will be accepted at Coldwell Banker Blueberry Realty from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.,and judging will begin promptly at 10:30 a.m. Each category winner will receive a trophy and a special cupcake-themed framed of paper art from Nacogdoches artist, Kellee Harris. Awards will be announced out at noon.

The entry fee is $25 per entry, with all proceeds benefiting the life-saving programs at the Family Crisis Center of East Texas. Preregistration is encouraged and can be completed online at or through the agency’s Facebook page, but entries can also be registered at the event before 10:00 a.m.


Proceeds from the Blueberry Cupcake Battle support the Family Crisis Center of East Texas in providing essential services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, including emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, access to food and clothing, information and referrals, legal and personal advocacy, child advocacy, self-sufficiency advocacy, counseling, support groups, transitional housing, and prevention services.

For more information about the 2024 Blueberry Cupcake Battle at the 34th Annual Texas Blueberry Festival, contact Angela Turner at 936-639-1681 or email at