Ward Meeting – Tues April 11th

I will be holding a ward meeting on Tuesday April 11th from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. at Liberty Hall. We will be discussing two items: the new city manager search and the multi-family housing update for Logansport St.

I would love your thoughts on several issues related to the city manager search. What are the qualities, the experience, the skills and other attributes we should be seeking in our new city manager? How should we approach the search? Should we utilize a consulting firm or conduct the search on our own, a combination or…? Who should be involved in the search? What other things should we be considering? This is purely an information gathering meeting, and I will use your thoughts and questions in my own deliberations, as I always do.

The second topic will be an update on Logansport Street. The city has tentatively approved a site plan that includes 18 additional bedrooms for a total of 21 bedrooms on small strip of land at the south entrance of Pecan Park, with only 14 paved parking spots. The city’s approval of the building permit is being challenged by two Logansport Street residents before the Zoning Board of Adjustments this month. The residents who have challenged the building permit will provide more information, along with the site plans.

I hope and pray that each one of you and all your families have a wonderful Easter and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday. If you would like further information, don’t hesitate to email or call: kbelanger75961@yahoo.com, 936-552-9395. Thanks also to all of you who hold me in your prayers. I am most grateful.