Dear Nacogdoches Partners,
In the next few days a group of women and men from the Chamber Board of Directors, under the capable leadership of Annual Meeting Chair Betty Shinn, will begin the process of selecting the 2022 Chamber honorees.
I DON’T ENVY THEM! Why? I have seen the list of potential candidates and this will be a tough decision. I anticipate that the selection committee will be challenged to identify those businesses/organizations and individuals that are most worthy of these honors. I have had the chance to peek at the award submissions and I can tell you, Nacogdoches County has many outstanding businesses and individuals.
Here is the good news…the future of any community often depends on the depth of leadership and Nacogdoches has a wealth of outstanding individuals and businesses. Women and men that took the risk to start or locate a business in this County. I am confident that in most cases the business they run today exceeds their vision when they started out.
When asked what my role is here at the Chamber I often respond that my job is to exploit the time, talent and treasure of other people. There is truth in that statement. If our volunteers stopped giving their time, the skills they bring to the table or stopped funding this organization we could not exist. And let me tell you this, after working for this Chamber approaching 7 years, WE HAVE SOME TALENTED PEOPLE HERE IN NACOGDOCHES! That is why it is so difficult to select those worthy of recognition.
Let’s hope the awards selection process continues to be a difficult decision in future years!