SFA launches ‘100,000 service hours for 100 years’ centennial competition

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — To mark Stephen F. Austin State University’s first 100 years, university students, faculty, staff and alumni are holding a friendly competition to see which group can complete the most service hours between now and SFA’s Founders Day, Sept. 18.

The goal is for all four groups to earn a total of 100,000 service hours by that date. If they don’t reach that goal, the competition will be extended to the end of the fall 2023 semester, said Dr. Hollie Smith, executive director of Student Life at SFA.

“We want to get all four groups involved in our centennial celebration, and the best way to do that is by giving back to the Nacogdoches community that has supported SFA for a century, as well as to the communities in which our alumni live now,” Smith said.

So far, students are in the lead with approximately 10,000 service hours from the university’s annual MLK Day of Service and various SFA Athletics service projects, Smith said.

“We’ll keep everyone posted on the competition through social media and our centennial website,” she added.

Those competing in “100,000 service hours for 100 years” can log their service hours through the form at gosfa.com/100Kfor100Years.

To view monthly updates on the service hour progress, watch SFA’s social media channels and visit sfasu.edu/centennial.