NACOGDOCHES,TX (APRIL 1, 2024): Nacogdoches Police responded to the 100 block of N.E. Stallings Dr. around 5:13 p.m. this afternoon after receiving calls of a major accident involving a passenger vehicle that had left the roadway and struck an adult male. The adult male that was struck by the passenger vehicle was declared deceased on scene by the Justice of the Peace. The driver of the passenger vehicle was taken to a local hospital with what is believed to be minor injuries and is cooperating with investigators. Based on our preliminary investigation it is believed the passenger vehicle was traveling northbound in the 100 block of N.E. Stallings Dr. ,when for reasons unknown at this time, it left the roadway striking the victim that was mowing grass. The NPD Investigations Division responded to the scene to assist in the investigation and collect evidence. The roadway was closed for north and south bound traffic for several hours after the crash but has since been reopened. Investigators anticipate having to close down traffic on 4-2-2024 for several hours to complete their on scene investigation. Traffic updates will be posted on the department’s official facebook page. The identity of the victim is being held pending notification of extended family. As further information becomes available it will be released.