City Council meets Tuesday, September 19th – Northeast Ward Update

The city council meets Tuesday, September 19th to consider a number of issues, including agreements with the Boys and Girls Club and Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful, a request for a specific use permit on South Street, two contracts and a proposed resolution related to bond funds for the airport.

I’d like to thank Steve Bartlett, Director of Public Works, and our City Attorney Jerry Baker for the ordinance requiring utility owners, contractors, subcontractors and installers to “preserve and protect existing private and public infrastructure within the right-of-way. This ordinance should help reduce the number of accidental utility strikes, provide enforcement penalties for non-compliance, require contractors to immediately repair damaged private facilities, and also provide for below ground cable boxes in residential areas.”

I will be holding a ward meeting Wednesday, September 27th at Liberty Hall at 5:30 p.m. to bring you up to date and answer questions, including questions about housing, staffing, and other issues of concern.

While I won’t be discussing the bond election itself (there are strict regulations for city property), I will have handouts ready with the bond election wording.

National Night Out is October 3, 2023. Sgt. Brett Ayres of NPD will be contacting you about the event if you have a Neighborhood Watch program. It’s not too early to be making plans. If you don’t have a Neighborhood Watch program, but would like to set one up, feel free to call Sgt. Ayres at NPD. I look forward to seeing you in your neighborhoods.

The City Manager, Rick Beverlin, is scheduled to begin November 2, 2023. He is very excited to come to our wonderful city, now his wonderful city, and brings with him quite a bit of experience in city management, economic development, transportation and highway development, problem solving and a love for smaller historic communities.

Congratulations to SFA on our 100th year anniversary, and blessings to all this fall!

