City Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall

The city council will meet on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers downtown on the square. There will be a full agenda, including a zoning request for a planned development on Railroad Street, the bid award for the construction of the Frances Shofner loop along the Lanana Creek Trail, and discussion of multiple crossovers on Loop 224 west of town to reduce traffic accidents.  There will also be an update on the comprehensive planning process and proposed timelines, an update on city emergency preparedness and a discussion of ways to promote city purchasing from local vendors.  There are multiple documents attached to the comprehensive planning agenda item and a draft ordinance on local purchasing that you might want to review. 

The council will also have two items for the executive session. 

You can find the full agenda and links to all the supporting documents at

Feel free to share more either by email or phone about any of these agenda items or any other concerns.   My city council email address is and my phone number is 936-552-9395.  Please keep in mind that all texts and emails to me, whether or not they are on city devices or my personal devices, may be subject to open records.